My Horrible, Hidden Disaster Area!
1:54 PM Posted In House Cleaning , Simplifing for Sanity Edit This 2 Comments »
Yeah, I know. Eventually, I will get back to regular posts. I think my life will slow down... eventually! But now, onward to the Simplifying!
*I'm beginning to wonder about this process. It's very humbling, I think, because if you were to come to visit me, you probably wouldn't see any of these areas that I am broadcasting to all of you on here. But as I go through more and more, I think that it's a good thing to get all of those areas out of the way, so to speak. If I know about the worst, and I know they are the worst and not the norm, then maybe it's easier to be honest with myself that even though there are cluttered areas, I'm not the world's worst mom because I have a couple closets that are filled up or because I get behind on laundry, ya know? Besides the fact that it's making projects that I dread more fun because I get to show off the results, and therefore, they aren't the worst anymore!*
This week I did my linen/storage closet. It really had WAY too many things going on in there! And it's not finished on the inside (with Sheetrock, ya know?) so it's not pretty and it's just so darn convenient to toss stuff into because it's right by the washer and dryer, and right off the way to the main bathroom, and *sigh* it was awful!

Yeah. It was BAD. When I told Josh that I intended to do the closet for this weeks Simplifying for Sanity, he laughed at me. Not just a "hahaha" kind of laugh but a rolling around, holding his gut kind of laugh! "Good Luck!!" he told me.
Good Luck, indeed! I'd need it! LOL!
So first, I took every single thing out of the closet and rushed about for about 15 minutes putting it all away or out in the trash can.
Then, GUESS WHAT! I found the floor! And it was GROSS! It had this yucky red carpet in there (I couldn't have told you this morning exactly WHAT color the carpet was, but trust me... it was RED!) So, since I am just so handy I decided to use some of the flooring scraps that we had to put a new floor in there! I really do think that this closet should be completely trimmed and finished, but that's a project for another day! And even though the flooring it's meeting is cherry wood and the closet is pine, I think that it looks MUCH MUCH better!

Of course, the inside walls are still not finished, but I think I did a pretty good job all by myself! AND I only had to call my darling husband once, and that was only because I'd been fighting to get the wood back together and the entire thing popped up at me! He's such a sweetie, and came and stood on it while he laughed at me and gave me directions to secure it to the floor :)
Then, I had to decide what I wanted to put back in there!
I didn't have any where else to store the paint cans, so in they went!

Then I stored all of my paper products and things I need to grab a million times a day (like the febreze, air freshener and windex on a shelf I installed, hopefully, right about the kid's reach (as long as they don't stand on a chair anyway!

I hung up some nails to keep my cleaning stuff off the floor:

And I stashed the carpet cleaners and vaccuum in there as well (but my batteries had died at the point! Sorry!)
But it's all pretty now, and at least LOOKS organized and not like a tornado hit it or something.
I also found some neat little treasures hidden back in there!
I hadn't seen these shoes in months! Now I know why!

And isn't it adorable?! I have absolutely NO idea where I am going to put it, but I'll find somewhere!

And there you have it!
*I'm beginning to wonder about this process. It's very humbling, I think, because if you were to come to visit me, you probably wouldn't see any of these areas that I am broadcasting to all of you on here. But as I go through more and more, I think that it's a good thing to get all of those areas out of the way, so to speak. If I know about the worst, and I know they are the worst and not the norm, then maybe it's easier to be honest with myself that even though there are cluttered areas, I'm not the world's worst mom because I have a couple closets that are filled up or because I get behind on laundry, ya know? Besides the fact that it's making projects that I dread more fun because I get to show off the results, and therefore, they aren't the worst anymore!*
This week I did my linen/storage closet. It really had WAY too many things going on in there! And it's not finished on the inside (with Sheetrock, ya know?) so it's not pretty and it's just so darn convenient to toss stuff into because it's right by the washer and dryer, and right off the way to the main bathroom, and *sigh* it was awful!

Yeah. It was BAD. When I told Josh that I intended to do the closet for this weeks Simplifying for Sanity, he laughed at me. Not just a "hahaha" kind of laugh but a rolling around, holding his gut kind of laugh! "Good Luck!!" he told me.
Good Luck, indeed! I'd need it! LOL!
So first, I took every single thing out of the closet and rushed about for about 15 minutes putting it all away or out in the trash can.
Then, GUESS WHAT! I found the floor! And it was GROSS! It had this yucky red carpet in there (I couldn't have told you this morning exactly WHAT color the carpet was, but trust me... it was RED!) So, since I am just so handy I decided to use some of the flooring scraps that we had to put a new floor in there! I really do think that this closet should be completely trimmed and finished, but that's a project for another day! And even though the flooring it's meeting is cherry wood and the closet is pine, I think that it looks MUCH MUCH better!

Of course, the inside walls are still not finished, but I think I did a pretty good job all by myself! AND I only had to call my darling husband once, and that was only because I'd been fighting to get the wood back together and the entire thing popped up at me! He's such a sweetie, and came and stood on it while he laughed at me and gave me directions to secure it to the floor :)
Then, I had to decide what I wanted to put back in there!
I didn't have any where else to store the paint cans, so in they went!

Then I stored all of my paper products and things I need to grab a million times a day (like the febreze, air freshener and windex on a shelf I installed, hopefully, right about the kid's reach (as long as they don't stand on a chair anyway!

I hung up some nails to keep my cleaning stuff off the floor:

And I stashed the carpet cleaners and vaccuum in there as well (but my batteries had died at the point! Sorry!)
But it's all pretty now, and at least LOOKS organized and not like a tornado hit it or something.
I also found some neat little treasures hidden back in there!
I hadn't seen these shoes in months! Now I know why!

And isn't it adorable?! I have absolutely NO idea where I am going to put it, but I'll find somewhere!

And there you have it!
Well done!! Looks great too. :) A job like that is so rewarding too!
I think clean closets make life better. Don't you?
Good job! I think they look awesome!
Have a beautiful Friday.
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