My Winter Blues
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I have been in such a funk today- and sadly, I know that it is completely, totally, 100% my fault.
I am suffering from a case of cabin fever and I am so mentally exhausted from being snowed in... I slept 3hours late this morning. My poor kids were starving, running wild, and dirty as could be when I finally woke up! I never recovered from the bad start this morning.
We still have 4-5 inches of snow piled up in our yard, and although the road is finally melting, my van is still persona-non-grata (we think the head gasket is blown) and getting Josh's to start in this weather is virtually impossible... he's been catching rides to work this week. With as much winter weather as we've had, it's difficult for a man who works outside as his primary income to get work accomplished when he's getting rained or snowed on, or the ground is frozen :( so fixing my van (which has been broken down since the first of the year) is going to have to wait either for sunny days, or tax returns...
Harmony's birthday is Thursday and we are almost obviously going to be stuck at home (which she wanted for her birthday a trip to Chucky Cheese's or Monkey Joe's... unfortunately we can't make the trip as a family in a work van that seats 4 on a good day and with the tools stuffed floor to ceiling in the back!) I was going to go to the store this afternoon while she was napping to get a couple presents and some party supplies and groceries to have a mini-party here at home until we have transportation, but I can't get his van started... I will have to go out and try it again in a little while.
Also, we've made it almost all winter without our pipes freezing (with the exception of the day we installed cabinets in 10 degree weather and forgot to drain the pipes)... that is until yesterday morning. We'd left the pipes dripping for the entire weekend, so we wouldn't freeze them in the storm, and yesterday after it finally started warming back up... what do you know happened? The pipe running to our garden faucet froze and popped the coupling! So I have dishes piled up, dirty kids and a huge pile of dirty clothes to be washed! And one of the first times we don't have water at all is whenever Gabriel decides to have an accident in his bed during the night!
*sigh* At least the sun is shining and the snow is melting. Josh has fixed the pipes, and the water is back on.
I have plenty of miscellaneous decorations and craft supplies to give Harmony a decent family party (even if none of them match!), I have plenty of supplies in my baking cabinet to make her a fantastic cake and plenty of money to order her pizza and plenty of games to play at home.
I got my new cookbook in the mail today. (101 ways to prepare pasta! Yum!).
Even if Phil did see his shadow, we only have six weeks left of this winter! LOL!! Once this snow melts, it will be time to start forming up my raised beds for this year and getting the soil worked into them, time to pot all my many seeds I've got stored all around the house, and time to go play in the dirt for a while! I'll (hopefully!) have a chance to clear out some more land space and get the yard cleaned up. We can finish off the last of our winter projects and get started on the spring ones!
I think it's time for me to change my perspective on this particular day and quit wasting it feeling sorry for myself!! I think it's time for me to stop moping about on the computer and go find something constructive and inspiring to do! But first, I'm gonna find the best cake pattern I can to whip up for Harmony tonight!
.."Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through HIm who strengthens me."
I am suffering from a case of cabin fever and I am so mentally exhausted from being snowed in... I slept 3hours late this morning. My poor kids were starving, running wild, and dirty as could be when I finally woke up! I never recovered from the bad start this morning.
We still have 4-5 inches of snow piled up in our yard, and although the road is finally melting, my van is still persona-non-grata (we think the head gasket is blown) and getting Josh's to start in this weather is virtually impossible... he's been catching rides to work this week. With as much winter weather as we've had, it's difficult for a man who works outside as his primary income to get work accomplished when he's getting rained or snowed on, or the ground is frozen :( so fixing my van (which has been broken down since the first of the year) is going to have to wait either for sunny days, or tax returns...
Harmony's birthday is Thursday and we are almost obviously going to be stuck at home (which she wanted for her birthday a trip to Chucky Cheese's or Monkey Joe's... unfortunately we can't make the trip as a family in a work van that seats 4 on a good day and with the tools stuffed floor to ceiling in the back!) I was going to go to the store this afternoon while she was napping to get a couple presents and some party supplies and groceries to have a mini-party here at home until we have transportation, but I can't get his van started... I will have to go out and try it again in a little while.
Also, we've made it almost all winter without our pipes freezing (with the exception of the day we installed cabinets in 10 degree weather and forgot to drain the pipes)... that is until yesterday morning. We'd left the pipes dripping for the entire weekend, so we wouldn't freeze them in the storm, and yesterday after it finally started warming back up... what do you know happened? The pipe running to our garden faucet froze and popped the coupling! So I have dishes piled up, dirty kids and a huge pile of dirty clothes to be washed! And one of the first times we don't have water at all is whenever Gabriel decides to have an accident in his bed during the night!
*sigh* At least the sun is shining and the snow is melting. Josh has fixed the pipes, and the water is back on.
I have plenty of miscellaneous decorations and craft supplies to give Harmony a decent family party (even if none of them match!), I have plenty of supplies in my baking cabinet to make her a fantastic cake and plenty of money to order her pizza and plenty of games to play at home.
I got my new cookbook in the mail today. (101 ways to prepare pasta! Yum!).
Even if Phil did see his shadow, we only have six weeks left of this winter! LOL!! Once this snow melts, it will be time to start forming up my raised beds for this year and getting the soil worked into them, time to pot all my many seeds I've got stored all around the house, and time to go play in the dirt for a while! I'll (hopefully!) have a chance to clear out some more land space and get the yard cleaned up. We can finish off the last of our winter projects and get started on the spring ones!
I think it's time for me to change my perspective on this particular day and quit wasting it feeling sorry for myself!! I think it's time for me to stop moping about on the computer and go find something constructive and inspiring to do! But first, I'm gonna find the best cake pattern I can to whip up for Harmony tonight!
.."Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through HIm who strengthens me."
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