An Extra Post Today: My New Cabinets!!
8:12 AM Posted In Renovation Edit This 1 Comment »
I realized that I had made this big to-do about getting new cabinets and then never shared the final result! This will be a blog in pictures, since I am stealing time while the older children are in the bath and the younger ones still in their beds!!

Step#1- Empty the kitchen!
(See I told you my kitchen was TINY!! It's 12 x 12!!)

My Dad and me (just because I love him!)

My husband, Josh, measuring to *gasp* cut my nice new linoleum!
But they had to replace the floor under it, so I wont be too mad!

The yuckiness hiding below several layers of flooring
(that got tossed out the kitchen window!)

Out with the final layer!

And in with the new!

Grandpa (my step-dad) took over the hard part:
Watching the kids!!

Nana (my Mom) riding a stick 'horse' with the kids- LOL

Nanny (my step-mom, Kathy) watching the boys!

The backsplash and counter top!

It's starting to look like a kitchen again!

Putting the finishing touches on the sink!

Harmony getting to use my cabinets before I do!

Installing the child safety latches!

All finished!

If you want to see a better picture you will just have to 'stay tuned!' I plan on going in depth when I finally get around to my blog series!! LOL
Well... Here they are!! LOL

Step#1- Empty the kitchen!
(See I told you my kitchen was TINY!! It's 12 x 12!!)

My Dad and me (just because I love him!)

My husband, Josh, measuring to *gasp* cut my nice new linoleum!
But they had to replace the floor under it, so I wont be too mad!

The yuckiness hiding below several layers of flooring
(that got tossed out the kitchen window!)

Out with the final layer!

And in with the new!

Grandpa (my step-dad) took over the hard part:
Watching the kids!!

Nana (my Mom) riding a stick 'horse' with the kids- LOL

Nanny (my step-mom, Kathy) watching the boys!

The backsplash and counter top!

It's starting to look like a kitchen again!

Putting the finishing touches on the sink!

Harmony getting to use my cabinets before I do!

Installing the child safety latches!

All finished!

If you want to see a better picture you will just have to 'stay tuned!' I plan on going in depth when I finally get around to my blog series!! LOL
Looks lovely!
12x12 is actually a pretty big kitchen - ours is 10x6 with 3 doorways and a big boiler!
God Bless,
Mrs R
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