There's so much going on!
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The entire family is exhausted today! We've all woken up late (those of us who've made it out of bed so far, that is!) and I kind of elected to just stay home on my own... my husband is still snoozing away! There's just been so much going on lately, outside of our little family, that we need a day to recoup!!
Josh had the children all day yesterday all by himself, and while he is perfectly capable of tending his own children, he's just not used to all day stints! lol-He's pretty tired from yesterday! But he kept them all day because I desperately needed to go shopping in several stores where the aisles are not big enough for an adult to get down without bumping into expensive items, much less an adult with six children!
OK- first a little background so that my blog doesn't get to be unreadable!
BJ is my husband's sister. She got it a little backwards and she and her fiance got pregnant before they've gotten married. Seeing as my sister-in-law is also my best friend, I am in charge of hosting the baby shower (she wanted to plan it and get all the stuff, she just doesn't want to have to host her own! haha- Believe me, I've offered to do it all for her; she's just the type that enjoys planning things!) AND matron of honor (which I am 'sharing' with my other sister-in-law, Jamie who lives in Florida- but because I am right down the road I get all the duties and Jamie gets to look pretty! Which she does exceptionally well, I must say!).

We left at 8:30 so we could have breakfast at Hardee's while we were out- we usually end up pulling up as breakfast is ending! (So, my dear husband literally had the children almost all day!)
On our long, very exhausting day, especially for a 8 month pregnant woman, we went by The Dollar Tree, Party Central, Micheal's, Hobby Lobby, the Goodwill, Game-stop (that one was for a treat for our men lol), Rivergate mall (where we ate lunch at Subway-yummy- and went to Hot Topic-I love the shoes!-, Motherhood Maternity, Journeys, Icing, and Macy's), and one of my favorite stores- Parent-Teacher Store, which is not really in the mall, but right behind it. :)
I found a very cool game about the human body designed for preschoolers through 1st grade. Harmony has been bugging me that she wants to know the different bones in the body, how they work, and why they stay together. I can teach her the basics, but I'm not a doctor or nurse and can't remember all the names of the bones- this game teaches that, so I was excited to find it and she was excited to get it! And it was only $15!
I also found a new wall calendar, like we used to have in classrooms, that matches the new green (BH&G's shade of 'dill weed' LOL) on my walls. It has polka-dots! It's so cute!
I bought Harmony a Word Family dictionary, that she will 'make' herself, and me a new planner for her lessons as well. I have had a hard time finding a planner that works for me AND her. My goal with it is for me to be able to write out her assignments and her to be able to look inside and know what it is that she needs to do. I want to teach her to that when she needs to do certain things- like copying her Bible verse, doing a coloring page, her math drills, etc that she can do on her own- she is capable of getting them out and getting them completed without me standing over her. This one is very simple and straight-forward so I have high hopes for it!
We were both about ready to drop when we left Parent-Teacher so we headed on home. The kids were still in bed from their naps and I spent about an hour putting Harmony's next week's lesson plan in the new planner, and organizing her 'school drawer', filing papers, etc...
After supper, another of my good friends, Sarah, sent me an email. She is getting married in January and Harmony is going to be her flower girl. I think she's finally picked out her dress!

That's not Harmony, obviously, it's from the David's Bridal webpage. But I think it's adorable. I'm not quite sold on the spaghetti straps but if she can wear a shrug or an under tank, it should be perfect! I don't quite know the etiquette though, of whether Sarah will be buying the dress for Harmony or if we need to buy it! I don't mind buying it, because she did find a reasonably priced, at $99 + the sash and shoes, dress so we can afford it anyway :) It's actually a fairly decent price for a formal wedding, I think! Of course, we will have to get the others a formal dress/ suit to wear in attendance but there is a local dress shop that sells children's formals for around $20-$50 a piece, so that shouldn't be a problem.
*WHEW* I got tired again just talking about everything that I did yesterday! LOL
Josh had the children all day yesterday all by himself, and while he is perfectly capable of tending his own children, he's just not used to all day stints! lol-He's pretty tired from yesterday! But he kept them all day because I desperately needed to go shopping in several stores where the aisles are not big enough for an adult to get down without bumping into expensive items, much less an adult with six children!
OK- first a little background so that my blog doesn't get to be unreadable!
BJ is my husband's sister. She got it a little backwards and she and her fiance got pregnant before they've gotten married. Seeing as my sister-in-law is also my best friend, I am in charge of hosting the baby shower (she wanted to plan it and get all the stuff, she just doesn't want to have to host her own! haha- Believe me, I've offered to do it all for her; she's just the type that enjoys planning things!) AND matron of honor (which I am 'sharing' with my other sister-in-law, Jamie who lives in Florida- but because I am right down the road I get all the duties and Jamie gets to look pretty! Which she does exceptionally well, I must say!).
My exceptionally pretty SIL, Jamie!
BJ's due date is December 5th, and the baby shower is scheduled for November 7th. So anyway. Since next Saturday is Halloween (and we DO NOT want to be in Nashville on Halloween), and the next Saturday is both the Goodwill 1/2 off sale AND the baby shower, we decided we had better go baby shower shopping yesterday. (Because there's no way we are going to miss the Goodwill 1/2 off sale!) BJ and her big prego belly! :)

We left at 8:30 so we could have breakfast at Hardee's while we were out- we usually end up pulling up as breakfast is ending! (So, my dear husband literally had the children almost all day!)
On our long, very exhausting day, especially for a 8 month pregnant woman, we went by The Dollar Tree, Party Central, Micheal's, Hobby Lobby, the Goodwill, Game-stop (that one was for a treat for our men lol), Rivergate mall (where we ate lunch at Subway-yummy- and went to Hot Topic-I love the shoes!-, Motherhood Maternity, Journeys, Icing, and Macy's), and one of my favorite stores- Parent-Teacher Store, which is not really in the mall, but right behind it. :)
I found a very cool game about the human body designed for preschoolers through 1st grade. Harmony has been bugging me that she wants to know the different bones in the body, how they work, and why they stay together. I can teach her the basics, but I'm not a doctor or nurse and can't remember all the names of the bones- this game teaches that, so I was excited to find it and she was excited to get it! And it was only $15!
I also found a new wall calendar, like we used to have in classrooms, that matches the new green (BH&G's shade of 'dill weed' LOL) on my walls. It has polka-dots! It's so cute!
I bought Harmony a Word Family dictionary, that she will 'make' herself, and me a new planner for her lessons as well. I have had a hard time finding a planner that works for me AND her. My goal with it is for me to be able to write out her assignments and her to be able to look inside and know what it is that she needs to do. I want to teach her to that when she needs to do certain things- like copying her Bible verse, doing a coloring page, her math drills, etc that she can do on her own- she is capable of getting them out and getting them completed without me standing over her. This one is very simple and straight-forward so I have high hopes for it!
We were both about ready to drop when we left Parent-Teacher so we headed on home. The kids were still in bed from their naps and I spent about an hour putting Harmony's next week's lesson plan in the new planner, and organizing her 'school drawer', filing papers, etc...
After supper, another of my good friends, Sarah, sent me an email. She is getting married in January and Harmony is going to be her flower girl. I think she's finally picked out her dress!

That's not Harmony, obviously, it's from the David's Bridal webpage. But I think it's adorable. I'm not quite sold on the spaghetti straps but if she can wear a shrug or an under tank, it should be perfect! I don't quite know the etiquette though, of whether Sarah will be buying the dress for Harmony or if we need to buy it! I don't mind buying it, because she did find a reasonably priced, at $99 + the sash and shoes, dress so we can afford it anyway :) It's actually a fairly decent price for a formal wedding, I think! Of course, we will have to get the others a formal dress/ suit to wear in attendance but there is a local dress shop that sells children's formals for around $20-$50 a piece, so that shouldn't be a problem.
*WHEW* I got tired again just talking about everything that I did yesterday! LOL
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