A Little About Us
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I, personally, come from a not-so-normal background. My mother raised me by herself in Georgia from the time I was 5 years old, and did a pretty darn good job of it too- if I may say so myself. She struggled all our lives to pay the bills and keep a roof over my head, while going to school, and managing to keep me out of too much trouble. When I was fourteen, I met a girl who managed to outweigh my Momma's good sense (don't we all meet someone like that?) and dragged me into a world of witch-craft, eating disorders, self-mutilation, and trouble. I was sinking in deep, became clinically depressed, cut myself and dreamed of suicide.
My Momma did the most amazing thing for me. We waited out my freshman year, and picked up with a car-load of stuff and drove to Tennessee. I didn't get put back into public school, although that would have been the easiest thing. My Momma homeschooled me for the remainder of my high school, all the time working full-time. She got me involved with a fantastic local church, where I found the true love of my life: my Blessed Savior, Jesus Christ.
Now, I am twenty-four years old. I've been married to my darling husband for ... a long time. No really, we got married whenever we were 18 years old, and welcomed our first child, Harmony, into the world shortly there-after. Our first set of twins, a boy and a girl, Forrest and Regan came into the world 19 months later. Then we decided to try for one more boy, and ended up with two! Gabriel and Elijah were born 19 months after Forrest and Regan. We thought we were finished having children, but God knew better. Our baby, Jude Conner, was born exactly 13 months and 1 day after Gabriel and Elijah. Jude is over a year old now, Gabe and Elijah are two, Forrest and Regan are three, and Harmony is five.
We never planned on having a large family, especially not one this quickly, but I enjoy every minute of it... well mostly.
My husband owns and operates a construction and home-remodeling company in our small town, which he started after getting out of the military. We've lived all around the country, but always end up coming back 'home'.
Currently, we are buying six acres at the end of a hollow in Tennessee, remodeling the existing house, and all the while planning on building our 'dream home' and ripping this one apart- hopefully not too far into the future.
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